Avengers #1 Vol. 8 – Deadpool Variant!


You’re purchasing Avengers #1 Vol. 8 – Deadpool Variant Cover!  NM condition

On Earth, one million years ago, the Avengers (consisting of Odin, Ghost Rider, Black Panther, Lady Phoenix, Agamotto, Iron Fist and Starbrand) prepare to fight their greatest foe yet: the First Celestial Host. When Iron Fist asks Agamotto if they have a chance to win, the Sorcerer Supreme answers that depends on what she means: the life they are about to save (their own and that of the first forms of human beings) might very well be the end of Earth itself. As he argues they stand no chance against this threat, he concludes that maybe they should worry about what happens if they succeed in their goal.

Read more: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Avengers_Vol_8_1

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